Positioning kits for jars

Positioning kits for jars

The positioning kits help maintaining the logger sensor at the cold point inside the process. Depending on the applications, the logger will be placed inside or outside the container. The following examples are usual devices, but customization can be studied upon request.

1) Metal cap – logger outside the jar

For NanoVACQ Flat Needle, PicoVACQ 1Tand NanoVACQ 1Td with threaded rod.

The temperature sheath kit (PROBE_PE_T) includes a thermowell, a nut and a watertightness o-ring, it can be completed by one or more metal (LOT_E) or PEEK (ENT_PEEK) spacers.

  • Pierce the cap at its center with a punch.
  • Put the sheath through the hole by the top of the cap. The end of the thermowell must be at the cold point.
  • Place the o-ring under the cap and screw the nut.
  • Close the jar.
  • Fit the logger probe in the sheath, with or without spacers.

Assembly with the Temperature sheath kit (PROBE_PE_T) and metal spacer (LOT_E)

2) Metal cap – logger inside the jar

For PicoVACQ with thread.

Le Positioning kit - straight (KIT_TIN_PVQ) includes a double plate with thread and a threaded rod to maintain the logger high up. It is used with high temperature adhesive tape or across the cap.

Across the cap:

  • Pierce the center of the cap with an awl.
  • Place the first plate by inserting its thread through the cap wall.
  • Screw the second plate on the thread of the first.
  • Screw the threaded rod on the plate.
  • Screw the logger on the threaded rod. The logger sensor must be at the cold point.





Assembly with the Positioning kit - straight (KIT_TIN_PVQ) across the wall.

For use with high temperature adhesive tape (ADHESIF-HT) :

  • Glue the plate to the bottom of the jar with a piece of high temperature adhesive tape.
  • Screw the threaded rod on the plate.
  • Screw the logger on the threaded rod. The logger sensor must be at the cold point.






Assembly with the Positioning kit - straight (KIT_TIN_PVQ) and high temperature adhesive tape (ADHESIF_HT)

